As if dyed fur on pets wasn’t bad enough at your typical dog show hit Young Adult book series, Percy Jackson, has made pink poodles a ‘must-have accessory’ these days, thanks to the character of Gladiola, a runaway pooch who offers herself to half-God, Percy, so he can return her to her rich family and obtain the financial reward offered by her suffering owners. The plethora of harmless, natural dyes available mean that humans are feeling much more adventurous when it comes to changing their pet’s appearance, but just in case you feel tempted to jump on the bandwagon, these are five reasons why you should, perhaps, think again:
- Pink fur is embarrassing: Have you ever dressed your dog up as a hotdog or tarantula on Halloween, or purchased one of those awful Batman or Superman outfits for him, in an attempt to capture the perfect shot for your social media pages? Dyeing your pet pink is similarly humiliating and if you don’t believe us, just take a look at your dog’s expression as he wobbles over to your camera, begging you to take the darn thing off. Dogs are far more sensitive than we think and they know when their appearance has been altered; they can feel something different in others’ reactions and know when they are being laughed at. Dye your poodle pink and be prepared for some serious canine staring from across the sofa the next time you’re innocently working on your computer.
- Pink fur is stressful: We all know the many good things dogs bring into our lives – pets are known stress relievers and they strengthen our kids’ immunity to a plethora of illnesses. However, by dyeing their hair pink, we effectively undo all the good our dog has done, by risking a vertiginous spike in our stress levels, as people begin making comments and sniggering at our pet. If you and your children are not ready to be teased by complete strangers, perhaps this look should be avoided.
- Regrowth: The one thing worse than pink fur, is the moment when it starts growing out and embarrassing white/grey/black roots start showing up. Pet dye can actually be more expensive than human dye – you can save by taking a DIY approach to the matter. Brands like Critter Colour thankfully have the right to use the PETA cruelty-free bunny logo because the product is completely safe. Other popular products are made by brands like Dyex, Top Performance and Opaws. Many are available at your local pet shop and all can be purchased online. The dyes are semi-permanent, meaning you can actually just wash them off little by little. Still, DIY dyeing products coast in the region of $25, though more luxurious products (such as dye gels) are a little more expensive. The price for maintenance goes up considerably, of course, if you visit a salon. Without a doubt, though, a beauty therapist is the way to go for a really smooth, slick look. Ultimately, it depends on how deeply you are committed to pink.
- Too much attention: Socialites love people coming up to them and asking about their dog, or petting their pink fur, yet the loners among us prefer to be left in peace when walking our dogs. You should be ready to be asked questions such as ‘Isn’t dyeing fur bad for your dog?’, ‘How much did that ridiculous dye job set you back?’ or ‘How long does the dye last?’ by complete strangers. Warning: The first time you answer this set of questions, you can actually feel helpful. The second time, it wears a little and by the third time, you start running away as soon as you see a curious person approaching.
- Dogs are naturally beautiful: Many of us have succumbed to the temptation of bestowing all types of unnecessary luxuries when we bring home our first dog – you know the story – tutus, outfits, fancy collars, boots they simply won’t keep on… the truth of the matter is that dogs are most beautiful just the way they are – with their gorgeous natural markings. Vegetable dyes that follow safety guarantees are actually not harmful to your dog in any way, but isn’t your dog already too beautiful for words?
Post written by Anne Collinson